All posts by mhuffman

My Journey into Otaku

For the past few years, I’ve been immersing myself in Japanese anime, trying to understand the shifts in geek culture — what use to be just sci-fi/comic books and sci-fi tv shows/movies, has exploded to incorporate video games, Japanese manga/anime, and cos-play.  Even at a local level, the explosion includes droid/robotic builders and those of us who create worlds with LEGO… but I digress.

I’ve been watching two different slice-of-life anime shows — Genshiken and Welcome to the NHK — both exploring elements of the otaku culture.  They’re like two sides of a coin; and it was by accident that I’ve watched them within a few weeks apart.

Genshiken is centered around the members of a college club called The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture.  They meet, talk about anime/manga, go to summer & winter comic shows, dress up in cos-play, build mech models, play video games, etc.  Over the course of 3 seasons, members prepare for graduation, look for jobs, form romantic relationships, have their preconceived notions of what it means to be otaku challenged, grow up, grow apart, etc. but still maintain strong bonds of friendships, even after graduations.  Each season replaces some character with new faces, showing the progress of time; which is a refreshing change.  The stories becomes more and more complex over time as characters find their way in the world.

In Welcome to the NHK, it focuses on the main character who is a college drop-out and hikikomori, or recluse.  Over time, the main character builds a few friendships that involves one person that wants to rescue him from his condition, and his next door neighbor, a high school friend.  At first, the main character lies, claiming that he is a video game script writer (working with his next door neighbor), in order to justify his apparent lack of job, and reclusive behaviour.  But what started out as a lie, eventually leads the main character into exploring otaku culture, and attempting to write a script and produce a video game with his high school friend.  Eventually, the main character comes to grips with his condition — sometimes slipping deeper into reclusive behaviour — and copes with his existential life, even though life seems to throw one road block after another, but occasionally helping out others (with similar conditions) along the way.

Genshiken is filled with characters that somewhat lack life direction, they are at least motivated to complete college and find work.  NHK is more of the darker side of the 20-something life, with dropping out of college, living off a allowance, using otaku culture as an escape (or a better life dream fulfilment fantasy), with deeply psychological overtones.  In NHK, there is some light use of alcohol, and cigarette dependency, but I’m really surprised there’s no stronger recreational drug use, considering the depths of despair the main character slips into. Genshiken felt life-affirming, whereas NHK felt like whatever you did in life, made no difference.

In the back of my head, I’m wondering if there was a cultural shift or a short time period between the two shows; either when they were conceived, or in the creators of the manga themselves, or a very small generation gap, or an economic shift, maybe.  The technology in both animes seems similar, but in NHK, character design for the video game was being done on the computer; the manga the Genshiken group produced, even though most of the post production work was done off screen, it seemed like it was done with technology a few years prior to NHK… Which also may play into the difference in the general attitude of the characters… maybe years of living in economic downturn give creators a very different world view.

I’ve binge watched both shows, couldn’t stop watching either one.  You quickly become wrapped up in the lives of the characters of both shows.  I’d recommend them both.

Genesis of a Criminal Genius

I’ve thought about writing a short Steampunk story; sort of a Commander Jake and his squadron of Zeppelins. He’d have a girl named Betty Lindbergh and a mechanic side-kick named Ito. All the classic elements to a good pre-World War pulp fiction, action hero. But first I wanted to create a worthy villain.

Drawing upon The Time Machine for inspiration, I thought what if someone did build a time machine, went into the future, saw the wonderful advances and decided that he wanted to live forever.  Let’s say he’s in his 50’s when he discovers the key to time, hatches a plan to give his younger self the technology (to travel through time) & future-knowledge to plan his future with — gaining power & wealth. However, the younger (and maybe smarter) self, upon hearing the older self’s plan & collecting his future-knowledge, formulates his own plan.

For the older-self (or future-self) to exists, and for the younger-self to be able to talk with him, can only exists for a short time. For once the younger-self makes any decisions, the future-self’s memory will become very fluid to reflect those decisions; and for both selfs to still be able to exist in the same point in time. You could use that to your advantage, make decisions then query your future-self on how it turned out… Then what if you could trap your future-self in time pocket; using wireless communication to you future-self in the time-pocket. After a point, the future-self would become insane, but still useful.

But then there are other questions like, if by trapping your future-self in a time-pocket or time-loop, can you prevent yourself from becoming older?

There are other things to consider the idea of choice could lead to the infinite possible futures or worlds… However, like AI, after exploring all the different choices, some branch-worlds would be eliminated because of bad-decision trees… so this idea of a governing force, or counter-balancing force, would guide most worlds down very similar paths (ie. most humanoid life found on most of these worlds would most likely all breath oxygen & speak english; there might be a counter-balancing reason why silicon based life could and would never exists, in this world or any other).

So, not only would this time machine need to travel through this world’s time, but be able to jump into the time-stream of other worlds.

What if, a time bubble could be made to wrap an individual human, say through a ring… or a pocket watch. Then that person wouldn’t grow old. And it would protect him from time anomalies.

It seems a little Dr. Who in nature… and since we’re talking about a criminal master-mind, more like the Master… but this wouldn’t be some Moriarty type of character, but he’d be a ruthless killer… with motives that are not easily seen, until certain future events unfold.

He’d have other things to consider as well, processing the watch would keep him young, but what would protect him from accidental death & if he did accidentally die, could he transfer his soul to another vessel and continue living? And to what end?

So the villain wouldn’t believe in an after-life, once he’s dead, he’s dead. To cheat time is one thing, but how do you cheat death? And maybe that is the questions our villain is tackling when our clueless hero crosses his path.

Manatee Watching

Erika and I went to the Orange City Blue Spring Manatee Festival. Staring out, I didn’t have high hopes for it, but we wanted to do something different this weekend. As a side note, when I see “farmers’ market”, I think produce being raised and sold in lots of booths in an open air market, not one booth of produce and 50+ booths of arts & crafts — so with that in mind, I didn’t expect a “festival” of the same caliber of ones in Ohio.

And I was right. Maybe 40+ booths of arts & crafts, a few food vendors, some carny style games for the kids. And a long line to the shuttle… and really didn’t know what the shuttle was for. Come to find out, the shuttle took you into the Blue Spring park, to a location great for seeing manatees! This was the hi-light of the event & well worth the $8 of admission… and it goes to a good cause, the park. 🙂

Standing in line, one of the marine life (manatee) experts talked about what to expect & the “curiosity” of manatees. What I didn’t expect to see was so many! Gracefully swimming up and down the waters from the springs into the river. From what we overheard, there were 100+ spotted in the area, earlier that day… I thought that was an exaggeration, but I lost count after about 40. The manatees were curious… Erika and I were standing out on the of the piers, just by ourselves, everyone else had moved on. We stood there quietly for a few minutes, when momma and her two babies came swimming right for us… Then people started screaming with excitement. Momma turned tail and swam away from us… the marine life expert said, the best way to attract them was to be really calm & quiet.

Evil Dead meets Tarzan

So my 10 Word Plot from April 22, 2007 was this:

10 Word Sci-Fi Plot: Scientist creates worm-hole, unleashes elder-gods; man, gun, and monkey save world. Think Evil Dead meets Tarazan.

Hmm… This could be the plot of the next Hell Boy movie; substitute man and monkey with Hell Boy and you almost have the plot of the first movie…

Or you can set the story in a steam-punk world, full of mad-scientist, blitzkrieg-bots, and blimps (or airships built using Cavorite). Areas on earth still untouched and unexplored by men. Primitive cultures living nearby lost civilizations (maybe long descendants). World political tension building towards a world war; each country trying to build armies or the next super-weapon. Then from out of the jungle, a half naked man & his monkey emerge with a monster from the ancient world — elephant gigantus — a elephant twice the size of any ordinary elephant, with two trunks.

Or hero, Jack Howard, was orphaned in the African jungle until the age of 12. Jack was rescued by local natives & turned over to the US embassy. From there, he was adopted by Nathan & Martha Howard, former ambassadors to Africa. Jack was a bright boy, curious, with a strong affinity for science. The Howards sent Jack off to Yale, where he majored in anthropology, girls, and football. After college, Jack was quickly recruited by the US government as a kind of exploratory anthropologist — which gave Jack an opportunity to return to the jungles of Africa, where he met his monkey companion, Kima. Unknown by Jack, this gigantic elephant was the weapon the US government was looking for.

Meanwhile in Bavaria, scientist Josef Fuchs is performing an ancient Thule blood ritual, which he thought was to bestow more savage strength on to warriors, but they were swallowed up by a portal into another universe… and an ancient evil was released, the lesser of the ancient gods…

Quick Wrap Up:

Whatever creature the lesser god is based on, begins to reproduce and spread out from Bavaria… to the point where other nations are taking notice & Bavaria is asking for help. The US government calls in all “exploratory adventurers” to form a plan. Jack recognizes symbols on a picture taken from ground zero & realizes from African folklore what evil has been unleashed… the elephant gigantus is the key to earth’s salvation… and of course, Jack’s 50 cal pistol, Bess.

Love Bugs

Erika & I have been in Florida since the September before, but for some reason, I don’t remember the love bugs — now we see them everywhere. From what I read, they swarm twice a year, spring time (April-May) and fall time (September-October)… more swarm in the fall, than in the spring. They’re just annoying & their dead acidic bodies are covering the car… Can’t wait till the love bug season is over!

The Super-Human Race

One of the ideas that I’ve been thinking about is a post-WW II world that didn’t have the a-bomb or the space race; but a super-human race. Countries like England, US, Russia, China, Japan, & some other countries start manufacturing post-humans.

In the United States, four different groups were set up for post-human production. First group’s goal was to create more intelligent humans – a post-human think tank. The second group was to create a super power human. The third group’s goal is to develop technologies for super powers. And the fourth group is to keep the other three groups in check – the place for information exchange between the three groups.

One image I keep getting is a child of a post-human tracking down one of the doctors that worked on the government projects, turned AWOL. A German in his late ‘70s, still very sharp, with traces of a great mind hidden behind wrinkles. He’s ex-Nazi, but really didn’t have a political affiliation – most scientist don’t – but was forced to work on government projects, the division of gods & monsters (insert German equivalent here). Later in the story, we find out that he’s gay – what forced him to leave the US government projects was the death of his lab assistant Karl, in an incident similar to Ictheas; the boy who flew too close to the Sun and crashed to his death. This, and some other policy changes in the fourth group forced him to leave. This post-human child is looking for some answers to his recent developed powers. His father was one of the earlier test subjects of the first group – his mind was chemically enhanced/altered. He became super smart, but the effects seemed to wear off over time. Adding more chemicals seemed to damage him physically & psychologically, that he could no longer used the drugs. But the alterations affected his son; he developed telekinetic & psi powers…

Comic Book Idea: Lithium & The Losers

An idea I had for a comic book some time ago…

Endless Parody:
Probably one of the better ideas that I’ve had in a long time is to create anti-characters to Neil Gaiman’s Sandman… a farce on his seven Endless characters. These character wouldn’t take themselves as seriously as the ones created by Gaiman… sorta tongue-in-cheek… sorta their bungling counter parts.

The EndlessThe Losers

First Episode:
In the first episode, Lithium wakes up after following the Grateful Dead around for the past 20 years or so… he lost count because of the drug induced haze he’s been in since 1972. He’s looking to fill the empty void that Gerry has left in his life… his world is slowly crumbling, the new bands just don’t do it for him anymore. He first consults Lost of the Losers, to see there’s anything he can do about his dilemma — bottom line, he needs a new drug. Lost seems lost in her own problems… she has no direction herself, and Lithium realizes that Lost should have been the last person to ask for directions. In frustration, Lithium gets up, goes into the Lost’s room of symbols, picks up Lucky’s fuzzy dice in his hand, and repeats the following limerick:

“There once was a man named Luck,
who was good at winning a buck,
the women liked him,
but he’s not serious about them,
he only likes them for a good fu..”
He is transported instantly to Lucky’s domain before he can finish his sentence.

The Symbols:
One word should be said about the Loser’s symbols. Like the Endless, each of the Losers have their own sigil or symbol. Lucky’s is the pair of fuzzy dice. Life’s is two copper coins. Lithium’s is a rolled joint. Lost’s is a sign post pointing in many directions. Loony’s is the Warner Brother’s shield/logo. Lust is like a peep show window — you need to insert a quarter to get it to open up. And Larry’s is a book — the title changes every time. In Lost’s symbol room, it might have been Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy or something similar…

Back to Our Story:
“God I hate that”, says Lithium as he picks himself up off the floor and goes over to the casino bar to get himself a free drink to settle his nerves. This is Lucky’s domain. He is a smaller deity of Native-Americans, of mobsters, and some rural regions of China. The one Loser who married all three of the Fates…